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Showing posts from May, 2012

Do the twist (ankle)

Raced at the Sutallee 10-miler yesterday. Managed to sprain my ankle 2 miles from the finish. Everybody that I had worked so hard to pass got to pass me over those last few murderous miles. I decided to finish the course hobbling and running the best I could. Came in 10th but was heading for 4th or 5th probably. I think I would've finished at about 1:34-1:36. Even set 3 PRs , not sure how I managed that. It was really hot and humid even at 8:30 race start. Legs felt really heavy and jelloey after just a few miles. Completely undertrained for this event. Need to add more running but ankle will probably take a week or so. Nutrition was good. Paleo is rolling on. Banana, almond muffin, almond butter, sweet potato for bfast.

Rest week continues

Self-imposed rest week continues. Zero activity. Nada. Only a few feelings of guilt. Thought I'd have a hard time with taking off from biking and running for 5 days but so far I've been loving it. I must've really needed this break. It's almost felt like a vacation. I had a super-grueling weekend with 32 miles of biking on Saturday then 11 miles of running on Sunday plus weight-lifting. Paleo week 4 is also going well. Also have been doing mid-day fasts from about 10am to 6 pm without much trouble. This started due to stomach maladies on Tuesday. Looking forward to 10-mile trail race on Saturday at Sutallee

What is best in life?

Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life? Mongol: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair. Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life? Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women. Mongol General: That is good! That is good. Even though this is a quote from a pretty kick-ass movie, Conan the Barbarian , I think that's one of the best things we can ask ourselves and others: "What is best in life?"

Paleo week 4 begin

Had a really active weekend. Chris Randall helped with my SS bike on Saturday morning. We ended up changing out the cog (18t for 20t), tightened the bottom bracket, got rid of a creaky saddle. To change out the cog, he had to bust out the dremel tool and actually sand part of the frame because it had gotten crushed from too much torque. After bike tune-up, went to Big Creek and rode for nearly 4 hours. Covered about 32 miles. Rear brake is now HOWLING so need to readjust it. Sunday lifted weights then later in the evening went for 10-mile trail run at Sutallee w/ Renee. Great to get out there but really had to push for the 2nd lap since I really was feeling exhausted. Nutrition has also been good. Really feeling great due to cutting out refined sugar, grains,alcohol. Surprising how little carbs I can get by on. Saturday I had 2 chicken breast, asparagus, baked potato before the ride. Had 2 gels on the ride in addition to Electro Endurance bottle. Sunday I had some fruit and almon

Damn...this is remote

I had a little adventure this morning out at Sutallee. Got in about 12 miles over 2 hours. I forked right at the flagging out on Huckleberry Hill and went down the ridge but eventually came to a road. I thought I finally had the 10-mile course licked. Turned right on the road and went for a mile or so then doubled back. I kept thinking that road would end up at the church but I was running out of time. Eventually I just ran back one of the gulleys and found where the white trail crossed over the gulley, took a left there then it was bout 3 miles back to the parking lot. Felt a little sluggish today. Had a mini-bonk about 30 minutes in so did a Gu. Bfast was 4 sweet potato cakes and quiche, box of raisins. You know it's remote when you're still picking cobwebs off after on the drive to work.

Could this day be any more Tuesday?

had a quick ride at BC this AM. HR was 155-160 every time I looked down but average shows 145?? Renee has some sort of bug so I think I was distracted on the ride. Pre-ride nutrition was 1 tsp almond butter, raisins. Felt good on the ride energy-wise, just no legs really.

Paleo week 2 done

Today begins week 2 of Paleo diet. Feelin; great overall except for a lazy day yesterday. Think I needed a rest day. Probably overeating a tad so will dial that back some. I noticed yesterday that I over ate out of boredom. Those are the pitfalls of a lazy Sunday I suppose.

Rollin with Paleo

I think this is about Day 10...Paleo diet going well. Not hungry at all for most of the time. When I am hungry, there is usually less panic about food. My weight is down 5lbs. from a few weeks ago. I'm beginning to realize it's OK to be hungry especially on non-training days. After all, our ancestors went around hungry and made it. I made a joke to Renee though that if the Paleo diet is so great, then why did Paleo man die off. Speaking of training, it's going well also. First few days out on the bike I bonked then I realized I needed a bit more carb so sweet potato cakes were introduced and they are the answer.

Tanasi race

What a field! These cats were super-fast. I was obviously not strong enough for my SS gearing "choice." I was running a 32t-18t ratio. It was great on the flats but murder on the climbs. My 20t cog was welded to my rear wheel after a year of abuse/torque/friction so when I sent it in for warranty, they could only offer an 18t rear cog as a replacement. Lucky me! I was honored that Lisa Randall invited me to come up to the race with her and Chris for the day. I was originally going to the Ft. Yargo 6 hr but this race sounded more enticing. I've only been racing for 2 years and riding for 3 but to be in a field of such elite racers is quite humbling. All part of the learning process. I did bike well however with good climbing and downhill handling. On some of the climbs I thought my eyes were going to start bleeding though. I was going so fast on some of the downhill that the trail started to blur. Don't know how I rode it clean but I'll take it. All in all, I

Day 3 and 4

Day 3 - hunger relatively in control. alcohol cravings declining Day 4 - thought of grain/cereal making me slightly sick at breakfast. thought about fasting until 3pm today but Renee made a delicious quiche for bfast. full after chicken salad.

Day 2

Woke up in the middle of the night again. Stayed awake for an hour. Back to sleep with an episode of Sliders. Had a good ride this morning although legs are becoming extremely tight about an hour in to the ride. Also doing the Paleo diet now. Looking forward to feeling better and trimming down. Wanting to get lean and mean like 2 summers ago. (insert Taxi Driver voiceover here.) Too much too soon?