Self-imposed rest week continues. Zero activity. Nada. Only a few feelings of guilt. Thought I'd have a hard time with taking off from biking and running for 5 days but so far I've been loving it. I must've really needed this break. It's almost felt like a vacation. I had a super-grueling weekend with 32 miles of biking on Saturday then 11 miles of running on Sunday plus weight-lifting.
Paleo week 4 is also going well. Also have been doing mid-day fasts from about 10am to 6 pm without much trouble. This started due to stomach maladies on Tuesday.
Looking forward to 10-mile trail race on Saturday at Sutallee
It's been a long year of hard training and racing, both on the bike and trail running. Mentally I feel like a need a break at this point although I trained 39 hours in November, my 2nd highest total of the year and most of those hours were of high quality. Physically, I feel pretty fresh still. I feel as though I could just train year around but know that I need some sort of rest period for next year's race season. My training has remained fresh in part because I attained a road bike, which I've ridden about 12 hours so far. It's been a huge boon to my training although I still need to get a proper bike fit done to alleviate neck and knee pain. The training book I'm reading recommends to take a 2-4 week Transition period to let my body and mind recover before moving on to next year's Base phase. Question I'm pondering is when do I begin my Transition period...I feel like I'm in a great groove right now and I'd like to build up my Lactate thresh...