I heard this song on a run today and realized what a great bass part it has. That's Tina Weymouth from Talking Heads' playing on "Born Under Punches." Tina, in my opinion, is a consistently underrated bassist. She really has such a minimalist style.
This bassline does exactly what it needs to and nothing more, simple and effective. It definitely gets bonus points for being in such a quirky time signature as well! She also uses space and air between notes to provide extra, er, punch.
It's such a strange song frankly, with typical Talking Heads bizarre lyrics, seemingly random guitar licks and synth for that matter.
Tina's part could've fallen through the cracks and her slap-and-pop style on the track helps the bass break through the mix a bit.
This song is a great example of bass parts that just groove and are perfect in their simplicity.
Enjoy and thanks for reading!