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Showing posts from October, 2012

Rope Mill duathlon race report

I had a great race today and I'm really pleased with how I performed. It's really satisfying to realize that one is making progress and all the training is paying off.  It's not so much about the results today although I missed 2nd by 1 second and sure, it's a bitter pill to swallow. I really think I excel at these multi-discipline races.  I feel more at home with them than a mountain bike race, which usually bring out the uber-elite racers.  Those same racers I would imagine don't spend much, if any, time running so a duathlon really levels the playing field.  As an example, the guy who took 1st today was a poor biker but destroyed me on the run.  I put in a 9 minute run pace and he was probably 7 or 8 minute. That was the difference.  I felt so leaden on the run. Knowing that, I can assume that not everyone is great on a bike at duathlons and go  ahead and leave them behind.  The guy who finished 1st slowed me down on the 1st bike lap but there was really no pla

Bear dream

I had a pretty awesome, if not terrifying, dream last night. I was on a mountain in the forest and I had heard talk of bears in the area.  I saw one out of the corner of my eye but never did encounter one.  Eventually, I made my way down this mountain to a campsite with cabins.  It was fairly populated ,maybe too populated, probably 500 or so people. A few minutes after being in the camp,  I began to see 4 bears coming down the mountain with a vengeance.  They were snarling and destroying everything in their path, including people.  The bears were grizzlies and kodiaks. I knew this because of their color.  I feared for my life but I was not harmed.  The bears wore themselves down on the forest then the people.  The carnage was brief but intense.

Post-race week

Felt a little sluggish on my run on Tuesday.  Probably still recovering from the race. Legs were a little dead. Mentally I'm just about over the race. Reading Joe Friel's book has helpdesk because he mentions that all races aren't A-level races, some are just "training through."  I think the SS race was a "training through." Looking forward to more running and Du training in the coming weeks.

GA SS Championships post-race thoughts

Things I learned from this race: I am a slow starter. I feel more "in to" the race on the 2nd lap.  Need to feel that way on the 1st lap! I need to be more aggressive at the start to be competitive. I need to position myself not at the back of the pack at the start of a race. I need to work on fast-twitch muscle fibers (sprints, short climbs) I have excellent endurance and get better as the race goes on. This was a 3-lap 7-mile course.  I feel I would've been more in contention if we had to do 6 laps but there were some insanely fast cats out there! 6 beers the night before a race is not a good idea!