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Rope Mill duathlon race report

I had a great race today and I'm really pleased with how I performed. It's really satisfying to realize that one is making progress and all the training is paying off.  It's not so much about the results today although I missed 2nd by 1 second and sure, it's a bitter pill to swallow.

I really think I excel at these multi-discipline races.  I feel more at home with them than a mountain bike race, which usually bring out the uber-elite racers.  Those same racers I would imagine don't spend much, if any, time running so a duathlon really levels the playing field.  As an example, the guy who took 1st today was a poor biker but destroyed me on the run.  I put in a 9 minute run pace and he was probably 7 or 8 minute. That was the difference.  I felt so leaden on the run. Knowing that, I can assume that not everyone is great on a bike at duathlons and go  ahead and leave them behind.  The guy who finished 1st slowed me down on the 1st bike lap but there was really no place to safely pass.  I think with more experience I will know how and when to pass in that situation.

Had an aggressive start although I saw Jim sprint off ahead on the pavement. I was surprised to finally catch him on the trail. Rope Mill is really tight and twisty in places with not much room to pass.  Having a geared bike on the start really helped me keep pace because I would've topped out on the SS.  I got behind a slow train of folks about 1/3 way in to 1st bike lap. One of the guys ultimately turned out to be 1st in Sport category.  A lot of climbing out of the saddle on 1st lap (SS strategy!). This may have burned me for the run some. Quads were really tight and heavy.  Had a really quick TA, maybe 45 seconds. Left my gloves and glasses on (clear lenses.) Beat 1st and 2nd place guys out of the TA but they caught me on the run.  Really flagged on the run which was disappointing because I felt strong on the run in training.  Did a gel and entire water flask on back third of run with a little bit of slowing as a result. Jim beat me back to the TA by a minute or so but again I was quick in the TA, maybe a minute. Jim had a 12-second lead going in to 2nd bike lap.  I wasn't sure of our positions and thought we may have been fighting for 3rd.  I felt slower on 2nd bike lap but lap time ended up being the same as 1st because I really pushed toward back half of the lap. Had to pass a guy to keep up with 2nd place (Jim) and I think he relaxed a little because I caught him right at the harrowing downhill finish and completely surprised him at the finish line, only 1 second separating us.

Overall, a great race. Really couldn't have done much better. Would like to be about 10lbs. lighter by next year and stronger on the run.  Attitude was good as was aggression level, especially as I "sensed" the sprint finish.
I talked with Jim after the race. He is a nice guy. It's nice to meet somebody in cycling that isn't a d-bag.

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