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Showing posts from May, 2011


Spent just over 3 hours on the singlespeed yesterday at Dauset Trails near Jackson, GA. I was still some tired from Pine Log a few days before and my hammies felt like they had steel rods in them. My feet hurt from the first minute I was on the bike since they were still sore from all the hiking at Pine Log. This was one of my least fun rides on a mountain bike. Dauset is a real grinding type of trail that just wears you down with all the roots and terraced climbs on Huff n Puff as an example. There are no huge climbs and really not a lot of room for recovery, especially on the singlespeed. My goal was to go for 4 hours but I was toast at 3 hours. I'm not really sure how much mileage I covered as I was just following the black arrows. Need to get an odometer.

Pine Log odyssey

Went back to Pine Log in search of singletrack and boy did I find it, except it was mostly uphill and unrideable. Out of the 5 hours I spent out there, I estimate 2 hours of it was spent hiking. One would have to be an absolute bike-beast to make these climbs and the climbs just don't end. It's like Pinhoti with rocks. So I began clockwise on Pine Log Gap Rd again and pedaled out to the cornfield again, about 7 miles out. This is a mostly uphill fire road with a sustained 10 minute climb at one point. Then on to the singletrack at the edge of the cornfield and then an insanely steep climb. This was mostly hiking. The topo maps say it's about 1600 feet at the top of this climb. Left onto Pine Log Mountain trail for a brief downhill run then came across acres of rock gardens that went uphill what seemed like forever. This began the climb up to the radio tower and unfortunately, mostly hiking. I think I could've biked some of it but I was in conserve-energy mode. The g

Hump busted

3rd blanket's ride of the week and boy was I a tired pup out there. Did South loop (for starters), Dwelling, and 2 VMTs. Dust was getting in to my lungs also, always fun. Need rain! . Felt like hell and no gas the whole time. Backpack + singlespeed + no legs equals sufferfest. Still, a ride is a ride.

Blanket's ride

No legs really today with 2 VMT laps and a Dwelling lap. But hey, a ride is a ride. Could've been too much breakfast before riding or just tired in general. Saw two King snakes in the middle of VMT, guess they need exercise too.

Blanket's bliss

Amazing ride this morning at Blanket's. Did 2 VMTs and a Dwelling in about 83 minutes. There is a tree down on VMT. Everything was flowing and I could do no wrong. I only wish I had gotten out there earlier before work. Did the first VMT in 23 minutes and some change on the singlespeed. That has to be one of my fastest times ever. Amazing how that happens some days, just feeling like everything is great on the bike. I suspect part of it was just me being happy to be back on single track after the Pine Log fire road odyssey on Saturday.

Pine Log WMA ride report

Pine Log WMA is a wildlife management area between White, GA and Canton, GA open to biking, hunting, and equestrian use. I had heard good things so decided to check it out. The place is really remote and has an almost primordial feel too it with barren landscapes and craggy trees where one could imagine a vulture perched upon. I started out going counter-clockwise following this map I spent about 90% of my ride time on fire roads, which was disappointing. I managed to find all the awful uphill trails where you could only hope to hike your bike. I'm not exactly sure if I even know which route I took. After about a 90 minutes I wound up back at the parking lot so I at least had some bearings. I think I climbed/walked Davis Trail then circled back on Grassy Hollow Rd. I imagine Davis Trail is much fun going the other way! If I had taken a right somewhere I would've gotten on Route 5 but I never saw a gate with a 5 on it. I remember passing 2 cement bridges crossing a creek on

Mulberry Gap trip

Renee and I arrived at Mulberry Gap mountain bike getaway on Friday around 3pm. It isn't too far of a drive and we could easily do a day trip there but it was nice to get away for the weekend regardless. Settled in to our cabin which was really nice then biked up forest service road to Pinhoti 2. There is a lot of climbing here. In fact it's the most climbing I've ever seen. A lot of climbing right out of the gate on FS 90 then more climbing on FS 90 and 90B. Supposedly the elevation gains is about approximately 2000 feet on this particular leg. Finally on to Pinhoti 2 and more climbing, then one hell of a bombing descent down the rest of Pinhoti 2 and back to camp. Finished off with a huge meal of pasta and meatballs then carrot cake for dessert. I gorged! Hung out with Marsha Hauck and Lynn Daniels from Florida who are cool ladies who really dig their biking. Slept well Friday night then woke up to a huge belgian waffle breakfast with eggs and fruit. Again, ate huge
The King was playing in the living room so I went to my bedroom and listened to Elvis.
If someone at work that doesn't know me at all calls me a "yo yo", not to my face, but talking about me to another coworker in my proximity, how should I take that?


Biked 30 miles today at Jackrabbit in scenic Hayesville, NC. It is a beautiful mountain setting bordering Lake Chatuge. This trail is like Tsali lite, which is a longer more technical trail to the north near Bryson City. There are some climbs and a few technical features but it's mostly fast,flowy wonderful singletrack. The singlespeed did well and it was mostly easy to maintain momentum. Continued to be impressed with singlespeed efficiency and fun. I'm beginning to see what they say There was one climb going up High Point that I thought I wouldn't make but the quads and hammies had a little something left. The Suntour fork on the bike is garbage and I can't wait to get something better, like a Reba. The Suntour is actually a downgrade from the Dart 3 on my Cannondale 29er. The climb up High Point was grueling and extended, not to mention technical with plenty of rocks and rooty climbing. The singlespeed really challenged me here. A few times today I want