Amazing ride this morning at Blanket's. Did 2 VMTs and a Dwelling in about 83 minutes. There is a tree down on VMT. Everything was flowing and I could do no wrong. I only wish I had gotten out there earlier before work. Did the first VMT in 23 minutes and some change on the singlespeed. That has to be one of my fastest times ever. Amazing how that happens some days, just feeling like everything is great on the bike. I suspect part of it was just me being happy to be back on single track after the Pine Log fire road odyssey on Saturday.
It's been a long year of hard training and racing, both on the bike and trail running. Mentally I feel like a need a break at this point although I trained 39 hours in November, my 2nd highest total of the year and most of those hours were of high quality. Physically, I feel pretty fresh still. I feel as though I could just train year around but know that I need some sort of rest period for next year's race season. My training has remained fresh in part because I attained a road bike, which I've ridden about 12 hours so far. It's been a huge boon to my training although I still need to get a proper bike fit done to alleviate neck and knee pain. The training book I'm reading recommends to take a 2-4 week Transition period to let my body and mind recover before moving on to next year's Base phase. Question I'm pondering is when do I begin my Transition period...I feel like I'm in a great groove right now and I'd like to build up my Lactate thresh...