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Runner bio

Greg at Natural Strides asked members of the racing team to send in a bio.  Here is mine:

I ran some in high school for basketball but it was mostly sprints. Running was punishment. It never occurred to me to run cross-country or do any distance running at all A mile seemed like a long run. I became really overweight in my 20s and was smoking cigarettes. However, when I was around 28 I had the urge to run, so I did. It wasn't far but it seemed like something I should be doing as a way out of an unhealthy, unhappy life. I only ran a few times then forgot about exercise for several more years.

In 2008 I began bicycling and my whole life changed. I began to lose weight and feel better. I was finally becoming the person that I always wanted to be. My wife Renee mentioned trail running to me. It was one of those ideas that sounded so outrageous yet intriguing. Trails are meant for hiking not running! Soon after I went to Pine Mountain in Cartersville, Ga. and gave it a shot. That was a rough introduction to trail running, but it sparked a flame. I loved being out in nature and just hearing my breath. I loved the pureness and simplicity.

In 2011, I entered my first trail race. It was great but I was astonished at how fast and fearless the top runners were. They made it look so effortless. Around the same time, I met Greg at Natural Strides and he helped me transition in to my first natural running shoes, Inov8 RocLites (which I still own). I had also discovered a wonderful shoe called Stems, which is like a hug for your feet and I still wear. I had walked into the store in a huge pair of Asics, which in hindsight, resembled battleships. Greg also provided gait analysis and gave me all manner of helpful tips and knowledge on running.

Today, I am in a pair of Vivobarefoot TrailFreaks for trails and Altra 3-sums for road. I aspire to reach the podium on most of my races and am active in duathlons and triathlons and anything else that sparks my curiosity. My next big race looks to be a trail 50k, courtesy of Renee's prodding.

Follow my journey at :

+Altra Running , +VIVOBAREFOOT , 


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