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Showing posts from November, 2015

Hike Forest Hike!

Renee and I went to Garland Mountain for a run today, a place where we had ran a few times before, and also had done a few races.  This trail is primarily used for horseback riding but the Parks Department has agreed to allow hikers and by proxy, runners, to use this beautiful gem of a trail-system. Welp, it turns out that it is now illegal to run there, as of January 2015. Yes, one can hike on the trail but running? Nyet!  They literally have posted on their sign, "No running." We were made aware of this fact by two people who were doing some trail maintenance (which is always appreciated.) "You know that you can't run here right?" This was how the woman greeted us.  I guess I looked like a runner and not a hiker?  It mus have been the purple socks and multi-colored shoes.  Hmmmm? "You runners have all kinds of places to run and we only have this one place to ride horses." she continued.  Renee was pretty upset at this point and I was too but trie

Product Review - Nathan QuickShot Plus

I am considering starting a series of posts dedicated to stuff I use when training.  I do not receive any compensation from companies of said products.  I would simply like to inform the reader of things that I find useful and have purchased with my own money.   If you find these posts useful, please let me know! I will start with the super-useful Nathan Quickshot Plus.  I was using this on a run the other day and it occurred to me how ingenious the design is.   This is a handy little device that is so minimalistic that you forget it is on your hand after a while.  It holds about 8oz. fluids and has a pocket that will hold a few gels and your car key. I use it for runs in about the hour range.  Great for either road or trail.  After that I need more fluids.  This handheld  has been great in races and has a lid design that I now frankly take for granted.  Well, it has no lid, as a matter of fact! Just squeeze and fluids are dispensed! The bottle then automatically seals itself up.

10 minutes of Chicopee Woods Bike trails with GoPro HD!

Some mountain bike footage I took with GoPro HD back in 2010 at Chicopee Woods Trails in Gainesville, GA

Dawson WMA Overnighter Camping

Runner bio

Greg at Natural Strides  asked members of the racing team to send in a bio.  Here is mine: I ran some in high school for basketball but it was mostly sprints. Running was punishment. It never occurred to me to run cross-country or do any distance running at all A mile seemed like a long run. I became really overweight in my 20s and was smoking cigarettes. However, when I was around 28 I had the urge to run, so I did. It wasn't far but it seemed like something I should be doing as a way out of an unhealthy, unhappy life. I only ran a few times then forgot about exercise for several more years. In 2008 I began bicycling and my whole life changed. I began to lose weight and feel better. I was finally becoming the person that I always wanted to be. My wife Renee mentioned trail running to me. It was one of those ideas that sounded so outrageous yet intriguing. Trails are meant for hiking not running! Soon after I went to Pine Mountain in Cartersville, Ga. and gave it a shot. That w