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Goodbye Spring! Training and Racing update

My apologies for not posting in a while but it has been a busy spring with Renee's 100-miler training and my off-season training as well. My last post was in March so I figured I would update everyone now that June is here.
I had a freak swimming pool accident that sliced open 2 of my toes so I had to miss the first Mountain Goat Adventures trail race at Garland Mountain. I was super-bummed and was able to give my spot to Renee. I'm doing the short-course series this year to mix things up since I normally do the long course. I've discovered that my winter running has made me fast.  That and dropping 10 lbs. since last fall thanks to Primal Paleo eating and cutting out a lot of junk. Huge thanks to my wife Renee for getting me started on cleaner eating.  I am setting PRs left and right on both biking and running. It's been great! I have worked so hard the last several years and feel like my results have been mediocre and I'm finally starting to see better than mediocre results, which is highly gratifying.
Over the winter I was helping Renee and we would go out in front of our neighborhood and run up and down Holly Street like a couple of crazy people. Holly Street Hill Repeats!  We would also do long runs at Kennesaw Mountain which has some great climbs and gravel sections that are relentless.  A few times we even ran in the ice and snow on Sixes Road. There really was no off-season.  For some reason inexplicable to me, I hated the idea of biking outdoors this past winter so I just ran instead. Less wind that way!  I did some strength training with Stronglifts 5x5 which uses a barbell for squats and deadlifts. Always a butt-kicker. Did the occasional mountain bike ride and trainer ride but not much riding over the winter at all.
My first A race was the Blanket's duathlon. This was my 4th year doing it and I crushed it. I had a great run and even beat one of my "rivals." My bike was good if not a bit sketchy for the mud. 1st age group and 3rd overall!  Even received some publicity courtesy of Lisa Randall who published this article in a local magazine.
For the next trail run, we raced at Allatoona Creek in Acworth, having trails which are notoriously muddy in April.  It definitely was a muddy course.  I came in 1st age group and 2nd overall and had the race of my life.  I don't know where the speed is coming from but I'll take it!
Next up was Renee's 100-mile train race, the Thunder Rock 100, which has to be the coolest name for a race ever.  I was part of the pit crew. We stayed up all night and followed her around to give support.  I was going to run the last 10 miles with her and cross the finish line but her feet literally stopped working at mile 66.  We will back next year!
My next race was at Boling Park in Canton for the Sutallee Trace 4.5 mile trail run.  This has a fast gravel track start and the guy in front of me blew off the doors in the first mile.  I chased him through the woods some but was happy with another 2nd overall and 1st age group. This is a tough course with some tight singletrack and a punishing uphill jeep road section.
I have started my 1st week of Ironman 70.3 training. It consists of 3 swims,bikes and runs every week for the next 15 weeks. I will have a week off for our vacation to the Dominican Republic but I'm at least hoping I can get some running and swimming in down there!  My 70.3 is in Augusta on September 27th and consists of a 1.2mi swim, 56mi bike and 13.1mi run!


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