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Blue Ridge Triathlon race report

First of all, huge thanks to my wife Renee for getting up with me at 4am to get ready for the race and providing pit crew and moral support!

Went into my 3rd triathlon in Blue Ridge, GA pretty confident after spending this year ramping up my swim at the Aquatic Center and Open Water Swims at Lake Allatoona.  Swimming being my main limiter and  biking and running, my strengths.  I never realized just how much technique is involved with swimming and it's been a challenge to get faster in the water and to also become comfortable in open water. For this race, I knew I would have no problem with the Sprint distance: 600 yard swim, 18 mile bike, 3.2 mile run.

No I don't have an expensive Tri bike with aero wheels, aero bars or aero helmet. In fact, you'd laugh at how much my race bike costs. Hey, I figure I'll build my body up first before diving in fully with the expensive gear.

Rested 3 days prior and was battling a groin/adductor pull.  Hurts like crazy unless legs are crossed.
Race morning woke up at 3am! Alarm was set for 4am.  Gluten free waffle, larabar, 2 eggs for bfast. Bottle of Skratch on the drive up. Some coffee.
Arrived in Blue Ridge at 5:40, set up Transition area in plenty of time. So glad we left early to avoid being rushed and stressed. Plenty of time to swim a bit to calm the nerves.  Wasn't really nervous at all. When they called us down to the boat ramp I started to get anxious.  Then we had to stand on the boat ramp for 15 minutes or so waiting for the waves. I was in wave 3. Wound up at the front of the wave and dove in. About 10 seconds in I had a feeling of panic and not really sure why.  Swallowed a good bit of water early on also.  Then had this overwhelming thought that I wouldn't be able to finish. Plus, I saw a guy in front of me being pulled out of the water. Think he was kicked in the head.   Another weird thing was my right goggle was letting in water so I was blind in that eye. Tried to push through it but eventually had to flip on my back and tighten the goggle. It was good the rest of the way but that probably cost me 30 seconds! Silly stuff!  Finally settled down after about 200 yards and just tried to concentrate on swimming my stroke. Most of my wave was still behind me so I knew I was doing alright. I ended up with a 13:09 swim time and 2:12 /min pace which was one of the faster times. However, I know I can swim faster than a 2:12 over 600 yards. I would normally do a 1:58 pace or so which would've given me a time in the 12s.  Relieved to be out of the water somewhat and heading into first transition.
Fumbled with bike socks for too long and had a lousy 1:11 minute transition. Plus, I was placed at the back of the transition area so had a ways to run with my bike. Definitely need to work on a running start on the bike with shoes already clipped in!  Also, on Sprint distance I don't think socks are necessary and need to start training without them for more time savings. Bike gloves necessary? Precious seconds...
Bike was good and I felt taxed but comfortable. I ended up doing a 19.3 mph on a rolly course so I'm pleased with that. Handling was good, climbs were good. Downhills were good.

Transition to run was alright. Had to rack my bike then run around to the front wheel to "address" my bike and run gear. Strict USAT rules and officiating here! Put on hat, shoes, race belt fairly quickly. Then grabbed handheld water bottle which may have been overkill for a 5k run. The run seemed to be uphill most of the way, especially the 2nd mile. Managed an 8:07 pace and felt mostly good on the run. carried a handheld with Skratch which seems overkill in hindsight.

Pleased with my effort but was hoping for a higher finish than 7 out of 20 Age Group. Still had a blast and can't wait for the next one!


7.70JONATHAN HIOTT13:092:121:1154:2919.30:5925:178:091:35:04


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