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Blanket's Creek Dirty Duathlon race report

This is one of my favorite races since I love the multi-sport format and these trails are in my backyard.  In fact, I owe a lot to the fine folks at SORBA Woodstock and Blanket's Creek trails for helping me to get in shape in the first place!
Running and biking sounds like a fun time on the trail!  This is the 3rd year I've done the race solo and pleased to report that my times have gotten faster each year.  The 1st year Renee and I tag-teamed it with her running and me biking.
Woke up at 5:30 race morning and had some bulletproof coffee (coconut oil mixed with coffee). This really helped keep me sustained for the race. Normally I would race on that and maybe a piece of chocolate but was feeling extra hungry. Probably ate a little too much solid food with eggs, ham and cheese, a few almonds. Felt full up until race start at 9ish.  Definitely was NOT well-rested.  It's ok because I was feeling pumped. Not really nervous at all, just amped.  Feeling focused once arriving at race venue. Love the pre-race buzz. Set up my bike on the rack and laid out transition gear.  It turns out that I had the fastest transition time out of all racers which is crazy because I'm usually deliberate in the transition area.
Finally started the race and I placed myself about 3 rows back because I'm not a fast starter.  Felt good on the run out of the gate not blowing myself up too early. Managed a 7:46 first mile which was mostly flat. Got up into the 8s over the next 4 miles.  Pretty smooth run with no missteps. Climbs were good and downhills were skittish as usual.  Finished strong with a sub-8 pace and then back into the transition area.
The transition is usually a blur and I fumbled with getting my bike shoes on some but managed to get glasses and helmet on smoothly. Then dashed with back to start line and off.  Ahhhh, felt so good to be on the bike.
Good feelings didn't last long as we then climbed on to Van Michael. Kept climbing up to Hurl Hill where I passed a few guys and cleaned the climb. This was going to be a good ride! FUN downhill to a shortened VMT course. Smooth and breezy through Mosquito to Dwelling.  Passed a few more folks on Dwelling and managed to fall in line with a guy that was going at a quick pace. He was a really good biker and had no problems with technical stuff. He helped me push and gave me my fastest speed on Blanket's at 10.5 mph average. On to South Loop where more flow continued and no problems through technical sections.  Made up final climb on South then on next downhill clipped a small tree then a bigger pine. Dinged my shoulder pretty hard and caught my helmet on the pine. Didn't lose to much momentum though and kept on rolling.
Finished up South and sprinted home.
Funny side note: I passed a guy on the home stretch who was clearly languishing. I knew he wasn't in my category so no big deal. Well, this fella took umbrage to my passing and decided to "man-up" and pass me back right at the finish.  He was riding gears and I was on an SS.  After we both passed the finish line I asked him how he liked his gears. He said that he liked them pretty well.

Pleased with effort and result at the duathlon. Our category had 25 people and I placed 4th and made it to the podium. The podium went 8 deep! I don't think I've ever seen a podium that size.
Couldn't really have done much better except for a faster run start and overall run pace.

Run - 40:53 - 8:14/min
Transition - 1:11
Bike - 1:04:01 - 10.5mph

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