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January slumber? Why not write about it..

I'm sitting in my sunlit bedroom on one of the coldest winters in recent Georgia memory feeling a little tired due to a measly 6 hours of sleep and thinking about my training and racing to come over the next 6 months.  I'm also thinking about my winter weight gain, at least 10lbs. over my usual 175 race weight.  (Preferably race weight would be 170 but settling for 175.)  I know that I am fighting serious evolutionary factors here with my body wanting to rest and store fat for this harsh winter.
This is all juxtaposed with the P90X strength training program that I started in November and I'm wrapping up for this session.  This interspersed with the occasional trainer ride, road ride, and MTB ride.  Not to mention the possibly ill-advised Snake Creek Time Trials, the next of which is next Saturday.
My goal this winter was to strengthen up, which I certainly have, and to give my mind and body a rest from the rigors of running and biking.  So far this is going according to plan.  So why am I feeling down in the dumps?  Endorphins might be the answer.  I'm also battling plantar fasciitis (PF).  Pretty much after ever road or trail run, my feet are killing me for a day or two after. It didn't used to be that way.  Hundreds of different theories on PF but improper footwear is a prevailing one.   I have taken to rolling my feet on tennis balls and stretching more than last season.  Hasn't seemed to help thus far.  I just want to be able to run hard and not suffer the consequences the following day.  Some opinions on me running in barefoot shoes since I wear barefoot shoes to work and pretty much always barefoot. I am currently running in minimalist shoes, which could be throwing my feet into inflamed,confused tantrums.  Hey, there's always swimming and biking!
Unfortunately, the sport of triathlon does require running.

Still sitting here wondering if I can get out for another cold bike ride with 3 ridiculous layers to keep me warmish.  Or I could just hibernate and someone wake me up in April.

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