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more RICE?

Week of 9/1/13
Put in 14 hours last week with about half of that spent running, the other half biking. I managed an 18-mile run at K. Mtn that took 3:30 hours. The day before I rode for 54 miles on the SC, I was going for a century. That took 3:30 hours.  The day before that I rode at White for 2 hours, 35 miles. Maybe this explains why my IT bands are so tight and I’m experiencing tendinitis in both knees.  I think 14 hours is the most I’ve ever put in for training.
This past week I’ve only done one ride at White for 35 miles.  Rest has been swimming and strength training. I feel like I’ve been getting enough rest.  Yesterday, I put in a run-bike-run brick at Blanket’s in preparation for next week’s races at Dauset Trails.

I feel like that I’m getting enough rest but maybe my body is still recovering from last week. I did train for 9 days straight with no off days. This is where having a coach would be beneficial because they could help provide an unbiased opinion on my training and rest.  I am constantly wanting to push myself and it's not easy to be judicious sometimes. I think my body says it needs more rest because last week I felt noticeably tired, hungry, and grumpy on a few days.  Classic Seven Dwarfs syndrome.  I need to do more stretching and yoga. More ice downs and definitely more massage.  I don’t do well resting even though I need more RICE (Rest,Ice,Compression,Elevation)

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