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Showing posts from July, 2013

Week of Mope

So this has been a tough week. My right shoulder has tendinitis from what I assume is overuse with swimming.  I injured that shoulder 4 years ago doing P90x.  I have been building up to a mile swim over the past 2 months. This should be plenty of time for my shoulder to acclimate.  Form issue? Yeah, probably. I'm also feeling a general malaise as summer wears on and there are no races happening.  I think I need to actually be entered in a race to feel alive and viable.  I was looking at the Blue Ridge Tri on Sunday but I'm going to shelf that because I need to rest my shoulder. Mountain biking is dubious because of the shoulder. Pretty much everything except running is out of the question.  I have full range of motion in the shoulder but it has random burn and has a dull ache.  I have tried RICE.  I am on day 5 of rest although I did run/bike on Sunday and again on Tuesday. Soooo...maybe that really wasn't rest. All I can do to stay sane is RUN!

Weird week for fitness

I am doing the zero to 1 mile swimming program. I am currently in week 5 which has me swimming about 0.6 miles nonstop. Yesterday went to Lake Allatoona for some open water swimming practice. I felt strong through the 1000 yards, which took 20 minutes. Sighting needs work. Finished up with 4 x 100s although it was hard to judge distance so I just swam for 3 minute intervals. Ran in to some chop right at the finish. Solid effort but I think I need to rest my right

Bee kind

We've had 3 days of rain straight. Today the sun came out and it felt like a miracle. It really makes one take stock of everything and realize what we take for granted. I was soaking up some much needed rays out back when I noticed a carpenter bee that was drowning in our kiddie pool. I rescued it and let it try to recover but it wasn't doing very well. It was soaked and couldn't flap its wings.  It was trying to crawl up the steep side of its familiar flower pot but wasn't quite making it. I decided to let it alone and let nature be nature. A few minutes later, I couldn't watch the bee struggle anymore so I put it inside the flower pot.  All of a sudden, it began to flap it's wings like a normal bee and took off in to the back yard. It was as though the bee's familiar setting gave it the confidence to remember what it was and what it was capable of doing.