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Hiott's Fitness Laws (so far)

These laws are not meant to put myself on a pedestal or demean the reader in any way.
They are simply meant to help the would-be fitness and health enthusiast with insight gleaned from my own observations and experiences from the past 4 years.

  • If you are using a smartphone or are otherwise distracted by a smartphone during your workout, you  aren't getting the most from your workout and are wasting your time.
  • Anyone that is walking on a treadmill in a gym is wasting their time and limiting themselves. Get outdoors and see some new scenery and take in some fresh air.
  • Rain and cold only matter in the first 15 minutes of an outdoor workout. After that, you are in the moment and forget about the elements or at least, don't mind them.
  • Signs that proclaim "Lose 10 lbs. for your reunion, wedding, New Year's etc." are a lie.  This is to imply that you will temporarily lose the weight and then gain that same weight, or more, back . This not only wrecks your metabolism but more importantly, your self esteem. Why not lose 10 lbs. for the rest of your life if that is your goal? Make fitness and health a lifestyle!
  • In a mountain biking crash, reported speed that the rider is travelling at when a crash occurs is multiplied by a factor of 0.8, regardless of speed.
  • No matter how hard the trail is and how many curse words we yell, when people ask us about it later, we say that it was fun.
  • If you eat poorly for years on end then decide to go on a juice fast a week before you go on a date to make it all better, you will be sorely disappointed and likely pass out from malnutrition during your date.
  • If one day, after 15 years of eating and drinking everything in sight, should you find yourself having to administer self-tests for diabetes, THIS IS YOUR WAKE-UP CALL!
  • There is no such thing as a quick fix.  Becoming fit and healthy takes years of hard work and dedication.  For beginners, look for noticeable changes after 6 months of earnest activity. Don't fall prey to health clubs and gyms around New Year's who promise in 30 days time to turn you in to a muscle-bound freak who can run marathons.
  • You can't out-train a bad diet.
  • Cyclists who have greater than 25% bodyfat should never, ever wear spandex.
  • People who wear sweatpants in public have given up on life.
  • Strong people are harder to kill and in general, more useful. - credit to Mark Rippetoe
  • Isolation lifts such as dumbbell curls are a waste of time for anyone who is not a professional bodybuilder. For most folks who want to get strong, to get the most bang for your buck, do compound exercises such as pullups, chinups, squat, bench press,deadlift, overhead press,dips.
  • If you want big arms, build your triceps since they make up 2/3 of your arm. Don't overly focus on the bicep since it is a relatively small muscle.  Weighted dips will cause tremendous tricep growth.
  • Ab exercises are a waste of time. All the abdominal work you'll ever need will be addressed by doing pushups, squats, deadlifts, etc. Try some L-sit chinups or hanging leg raises to wake up your abs. Running is also a good way to build your core and abs. Try a standing desk at work instead of sitting all day to further strengthen your core.
  • Primal man did not go on fasts or follow 30-day fad diets. They ate regularly and ate real food and they burned about 3000 calories a day.  Try to eat food as close to the source as possible. Eggs, fruits, veggies,meats, nuts are your mantra. Avoid too many packaged or processed foods. 
  • There is no such thing as "skinny in a bottle." A proper diet and exercise will lead to gradual weight loss. People that believe in this myth only serve to confirm "A sucker is born every minute." (P.T. Barnum never actually said this quote apparently.)
  • Nothing can give you confidence like following a strength-building weight training program does. Like Henry Rollins says in his excellent essay, 200 lbs. is always 200 lbs.
  • When you can count your rest days on one hand over a month's time, then you are really in to your training. 
  • Don't forget to take rest days, they are how your body gets stronger.

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