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Showing posts from June, 2017

Training update - PR week!

Despite a nagging right knee injury since February, I have set 2 PRs this week that I am pretty excited about.  1st was a local running route where I placed 3rd overall on Strava.  I am determined to get the KOM for this segment, which is on a fairly rolly section of road. Link here; One of my favorite local mountain biking trails is Van Michael at Blanket's Creek.  It is always tough and features a lot of good climbs. Van Michael is nearly always an anaerobic workout!.  Wednesday I rode the clockwise direction and set a PR of 18:56, which I believe was nearly a minute off of my previous time. Frankly, I thought my days of setting PRs were over since Kit got here and I haven't been able to train much over the past year. What training I have been able to get in was mostly Maffetone (MAF), which I believe has helped my overall cardio base fit. Link here: Regardless, I am in better sha