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Showing posts from March, 2015

Hickory Knob Tri race report

Went with my dad to the Hickory Knob Triathlon in McCormick, SC.  Wasn't going to do the race until my dad asked if he could go so I couldn't pass up the chance.  I had never been to this area before so was eager to check it out. It is really remote and pretty.  Not to mention that I was looking to do an early-season triathlon for the experience.  There was plenty of rain so the mountain biking portion was moved to the road within the park for a total of about 17 miles. Apparently this race is plagued with bad weather so the race director is considering moving the race back to the fall.  Stayed in Greenwood,SC which was about 45 min. away.  Not too bad of a drive on race morning.  Luckily start time was moved back to 8:15.  Ate 2 huge meals on Saturday then had a mint shake at Arby's. Came back to hotel room and chilled. Put my race number on bike and run belt. I brought both mountain bikes because I wasn't sure how hilly the course would be. Glad I brought my geared bi

Pool injury (warning graphic content)

Was swimming at the pool yesterday and went to kick off the wall when both of my feet somehow came out of the water and scraped the edge.  The pain was intense but I kept swimming.  I thought I just banged them against the wall and not actually scraped them.  20 minutes later I was finished with my set after putting in about 1600 yards.  I get out of the pool and blood starts spurting out of my left big toe.  Walk over to the lifeguards and apologize for the mess. They say no problem then see the blood and say "Okayyyy". I sit down on the deck and they grab some first aid.  Then I notice my right big toe is also cut as is my right index toenail.  That toenail is going to fall off. The guards were asking me how this happened and I explained.  They seemed incredulous as to how this could happen.   That makes 3 of us. I have a trail race on Saturday that is looking doubtful now that I have 3 lacerated toes.  I haven't worn shoes yet so I don't know that's going to f