Something wonderful is happening. I am being serious. For the past year or so I've been developing this sense of love and compassion for humanity. That sounds like a really broad, general statement but it's true. I'm becoming more perceptive of others and more forgiving. I believe we're all doing the best with the hand we're given. I use these words because I don't know how else to describe this very subtle feeling. It's a swelling in the heart and a sense of well-being and contentment. Some days it borders on joy. Sure, I still get irritated with nuisances like drivers when they tailgate me or cut me off in traffic but overall, I am developing something here. Maybe my soul is expanding. I'm beginning to feel as though I'm finally a part of the human race. In the past, I've felt so aloof and misanthropic so this is strange for me. I can't exactly pinpoint when it began. I wonder if it's just part of the maturation process but I hope...
The continuing racing misadventures of Jonathan Hiott aka HiottRiott via bike, foot, and water. Also posting about bass guitar players, favorite songs, etc.