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Showing posts from November, 2012

The milk of human kindness isn't spoiled

Something wonderful is happening. I am being serious. For the past year or so I've been developing this sense of love and compassion for humanity.  That sounds like a really broad, general statement but it's true. I'm becoming more perceptive of others and more forgiving. I believe we're all doing the best with the hand we're given. I use these words because I don't know how else to describe this very subtle feeling. It's a swelling in the heart and a sense of well-being and contentment.  Some days it borders on joy. Sure, I still get irritated with nuisances like drivers when they tailgate me or cut me off in traffic but overall, I am developing something here. Maybe my soul is expanding. I'm beginning to feel as though I'm finally a part of the human race.  In the past, I've felt so aloof and misanthropic so this is strange for me. I can't exactly pinpoint when it began.  I wonder if it's just part of the maturation process but I hope

Riding is good

This morning I went for a recovery ride at Blanket's. Temps were in the 30s and it was a beautiful sunny morning.  I was up at 6am and spent an hour and a half looking for a TV. Pretty ridiculous. Finally mustered up the gumption to brave the cold and I'm thankful that I did because I had a true moment of zen on an isolated South Loop. About 100 Canadian geese were heading south for the winter but they seemed to hover overhead.  I paused and looked up at them for a few minutes. They seemed to fly with me for the rest of the ride and after a while I no longer heard their calls, until they stopped. I'm glad I decided to go outdoors today.  I think it's important to take these pauses every so often. So much time I spend outdoors on a bike, the world seems to be whirring by. I knew today would be an easy ride because my knees are still trashed from the road bike metric century (62 miles) on Saturday. Not so much from the mileage but my bike fit. Shoulders and just above e