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Showing posts from September, 2012

They don't make 'em like this anymore

Last night, Renee and I went to see Casablanca at the Strand Theatre on Marietta Square.  This was one of the best movie-going experiences I've ever had.  The Strand is an old theatre that was probably around when Casablanca was originally released.  We arrived about 30 minutes before it started and there was an organist playing tunes of yesteryear.  It really "perfumed the air."  I'm so excited that there is a venue like this to see classic films.  There are 4 Hitchcock's showing over the next few months! Seeing a classic film with an appreciative audience was a far superior setting than what you'll experience at the multiplex. There were no cellphone interruptions or kids crying.  It was mostly an older crowd to be sure.             I really enjoyed how much the audience laughed at the film because usually, one wouldn't expect to laugh at such a classic and revered film but Casablanca truly is witty and funny.  The screenplay is so dry and intelligen

The importance of galavanting

Drove with Renee up to Rome, GA last Sunday. We're always doing something active on Sundays so it was nice to do something different and relaxing.  Hadn't been to Rome in almost 3 years.  It was surreal to stop by my old apartment. It looked the same but appeared to be under new management. We then went to Broad Street and found that a lot remained the same, (Partridge Restaurant, Schroeder's) but some things had changed. No more River's Edge bar, a place we used to frequent.  We had a pleasant walk down Broad Street. Opera Alley is still creepy! We then climbed up Myrtle Hill cemetery.  No one was on Myrtle Hill besides us, that was alive.  Still a breath-taking hike up the cemetery.  Nice views as always from up there.   It was also neat to see that South Rome was renovated.  It used to be really run down. Rome was eerily deserted that day, maybe because everyone was out of town for Labor Day.  One thing that struck me was just how many times and experiences we both h