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Showing posts from April, 2012

Mt. Tabor duathlon thoughts

This was one of my best races ever but my transitions could've been quicker. I think I need to carry liquid and gel on the run to minimize the TA. I ran pretty quick on the first 3.1 then bike really well on the 10.5. The 2nd run I felt like i weighed 200 lbs. Bricktastic! It was such a sluggish run. I literally couldn't go any faster. My pace was 7:55 on the 2nd run. I did manage a strong "sprint" finish uphill to the finish line.

Mulberry Gap visit

Enjoyed another great visit up to the N. Ga Mtns. Weather was perfect. No humidity and in the 70s. Met some cool folks who invited us to campfire with them. Took the SS up because I'm fed up with my stupid geared rig. I was pretty trashed Sunday after a huge effort on Saturday. I set several PRs on P1,P2 and Bear Creek in addition to getting KOM on the climb from MG to Bear Creek! I am really proud of that one. I think being on the SS helped because I couldn't granny it up and get lazy. It was almost 40 minutes of nearly all out effort to the top of the climb. Then I had a blast bombing down BC though too many hikers (boo!). P1 was it's usual badass slap-in-the-face self with some serious climbing right after leaving Bear Creek. P2 went by quickly today although my time was longer than last July at around 35 minutes. Feelin' good climbing over to P2 although FS90B can suck it!. Need more fire road climbing! P2 downhill was so much fun although had to dodge hiker

Dirty Du thoughts

Saturday was an adventure! I felt good on the run despite a half superman and really pushed hard. Averaged an 8:11/mi pace and 174 HR! I originally thought I had made it back to the TA in 37 minutes but that was obviously wrong. It's funny what the mind comes up with in the heat of the moment. Kinda bottlenecked after the 2nd bench which slowed me down some. I thought my transition was fairly quick at 2 minutes then I saw the top finisher had a 1 minute transition. Renee suggested that I take a water bottle and nutrition with me on the run then do those before I get to the TA to save some time. The only gear I changed was shoes. Do you have any suggestions for speeding up the transition? It was also staggering to see the finishing times from last year versus this year. This year definitely had a more competitive field. I thought for sure I would finish top 3 when looking at last years times. Now comes the interesting part. The first Mosquito Flats boardwalk may have w