Preamble Decided to drink the kool-aid and signed up for my 1st 50k trail race last November. I thought it would be a good way to spend the winter months rather than hibernating. I was shooting for a March race date and the only ones that were relatively close to home were ones in Augusta, GA and near Birmingham, AL. I opted for the Oak Mountain 50k near Birmingham because I had been mountain biking there before and it seemed like an challenging, grueling and beautiful place for a trail race. I was not wrong on any of those accounts. I wore my yellow Vivobarefoot TrailFreaks. They were great throughout my training plan and through the race. The lugs are just aggressive enough but the shoe has that "barely there" feeling. This is my favorite trail running shoe. Yes, it has high proprioception, but I feel that makes my feet stronger. (Quote of the race from other racers in regards to the shoes: " Those will break your feet. ") I ...
The continuing racing misadventures of Jonathan Hiott aka HiottRiott via bike, foot, and water. Also posting about bass guitar players, favorite songs, etc.