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Showing posts from November, 2013

Assail the Trails race report

I have been wanting to ride at Berry College for the last several years.  Renee and I had previously attempted riding at Berry in 2009, to no avail, since the trails proved elusive.  Today was a chance to finally go exploring and I'm glad I did.  The Assail the Trails race put on by Cycle Therapy really showcased all the trails available in the wilderness surrounding the college.  This is a beautiful area and it was so beautifully surreal to climb up to the House of Dreams in the misty clouds with trees around in brilliant orange, red, and yellow. I didn't sleep well at all last night waking up every half-hour it seemed with thoughts of, "Can I really ride 35 miles tomorrow?" I thought we would be out on the course the entire 35 miles but it turned out that we would make 3 laps with each lap heading out on different length courses.   Honestly, I was under-trained for this race since I have been resting for most of October and plan on continuing to rest in November.